Shockwatch Label

Shockwatch adalah  mekanis aktif yang akan berubah menjadi merah terang ketika terjadinya benturan.  Indicator ShockWatch sangat berguna bagi kemasan / packaging untuk mencegah terjadi kesalahan dalam penanganan pada saat pengiriman barang ( Human Error ).

Indicator ShockWatch juga bermanfaat mengurangi biaya kerusakan di karenakan product yang sensitive terhadap goncangan maupun rapuh karena dampak selama transit perjalanan atau dalam masa penyimpanan yang lama.Indicator

ShockWatch Impact Indicators for packaging deter mishandling and reduce damage related costs by indicating when fragile products have been exposed to a potentially damaging impact during transit or in storage. ShockWatch labels are tamperproof, mechanically-activated devices that turn bright red when an impact occurs. Over 7 million ShockWatch labels are used each year as a high visibility deterrent to product mishandling.

Key Specifications
Sensitivity Range: 25-100G
Duration: 5-50ms
Tolerance: +/- 15%
Operating Temperature: -25° to 80° C
Status when shipped: Live
Security: Tamper Proof / Serialized
Shelf life: 2 years when stored at standard temperature and pressure (20° C, 1 ATM)
Size: 3.8″ x 3.8″ , 96.52mm x 96.52mm
Adhesive: Acrylic
Selection Guide: There are two things you need to know to select ShockWatch Impact Indicators sensitivity: shipment size and weight. Selection guides should always be used as a starting point only. Please contact us for assistance.